COURSE ONE: Sports Videographer Basic 基礎運動攝影知識
- The different production from Sports and Commercial
- Sports Social Media Formats
- Sports shooting Equipment
- Remote Computer Hardware and Software
COURSE TWO: Sports Shooting Introduction to Camera Language : Long Shot , Medium Shot & Close –up Shot and SlowMo Application 現場運動攝錄
- Basic Camera Operation : White Balance , Shutter speed , Exposure , Focus.
- Point of view Angle
- Various Shooting Methods & Technique: Basketball / Football / Rugby / Table tennis more..
- The secret to produce energetic Video
COURSE THREE: Digital Video Shooting – Practical Session 實地工作室拍攝
- Practical Session
COURSE FOUR: Digital Video Editing 以Premiere Pro為本的剪接製作
- Basic Editing Techniques (Short-cut)
- Working with Timeline
- Film Effect
- Audio Effect
- Special Effects, Transitions and Titling
COURSE FIVE: Shooting And Capturing Great Video Assets
- Tips for shooting great slowmo video
- Capturing video
- Capturing Special SlowMo
- Using batch capture and scene detection (CV大法)
- IG editing skills
- Tackling manual analog movie capture
COURSE SIX: Selecting Settings, Adjusting Preferences, and Managing Assets
- Selecting project settings by sequence (Landscape to portrait)
- Three types of settings for IG Reels
- Project settings
- Importing assets
- Taking a closer look at images
- Managing media in the bins
- Exploring additional bin features
- Finding assets with the Media Browser
- Importing Tape less Media
- Using a tape less workflow
- Using Media Browser
- Mixing media formats
COURSE SEVEN: Creating Cuts-Only Videos
- Using a non- storyboard thinking to build a rough cut
- Editing clips on the Timeline as short as possible
- Moving clips to, from, and within the Timeline
- Working with Source Monitor editing tools
- Adjusting clips in the Trim panel
- Using other editing tools
COURSE EIGHT:Adding Video Transitions
- Using transitions with restraint (Preset suggestion)
- Trying some transitions
- Using A/B mode to fine-tune a transition
- Changing parameters in the Effect Controls panel
- Applying transitions to multiple clips at onc
- Adding audio transitions
- Creating Dynamic Titles (AE project)
- Strengthening your project with titles (AI)
- Changing text parameters (AI)
- Building text from scratch
- Putting text on a path
- Creating shapes
- Making text roll and crawl
- Adding text effects: sheens, strokes, shadows, and fills
COURSE NINE: Applying Specialized Editing Tools
- Exploring the time saving editing tools
- Replacing a clip and replacing footage
- Using Sync Lock and Lock Track
- Editing with In and Out points around a clip (I/O)
- Creating sub clips from the Source Monitor
- Multi cameras editing
COURSE TEN: Adding Video Effects
- Sampling some basic video effects (Youtube Overlay)
- Applying effects to multiple clips
- Adding key framing effects
- Adding key-frame interpolation and velocity
- Adding lighting effects
- Creating custom presets